50% of the £12,240 will go to DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal and the other 50% will be divided equally between Safeline and Alzheimers Society.
Bjorn Hobart (Partner – Tritax Management LLP) welcomed everyone to the club and mentioned how delighted both Bericote and Tritax were to be supporting the day again to raise money for charity. Jonathan Maher (Development Director – Bericote) then gave a brief progress report on development projects and in particular the scheme at Dartford.
Following some breakfast in the Players Lounge and an explanation on the format of the day, players headed out to the driving range and putting facilities to hone their skills. It was a glorious sunny day and at 11.30am the shotgun golf day began.
The 4th hole, a tricky little par 3, was nominated as the “charity hole” where players had to delve into their wallets for every shot that ended up in the water. Piers Ridout (Bericote) and Mark Ferguson (Tritax) took on the task with relish of ensuring every offender paid their dues and what a wonderful job he did collecting over £1,000 for the charities – no one escaped!
After a very enjoyable afternoons golf, players headed back to the Stable Courtyard for a well-earned drink, prize giving and a three course dinner. On behalf of the IAS, Dan Harness, IAS Vice Chairman thanked Bericote and Tritax for their kind support of what is now an incredibly popular event and thanked the golf club for putting on such a great day on a great golf course in such good condition.
Dan then handed over to Chris Jee who announced the results of the day and Jonathan Maher and Bjorn Hobart handed out the prizes.
1st place and winners of the James Swallow Memorial Trophy – Jeremy Hunting, Trevor Church, Ollie Elderfield, Tim Howlings (Brasier Freeth)
2nd Place – James Williams, Andy Hall (M1 Agency), Paul Cook, Darren Hill (CBRE)
3rd Place – Jake Huntley, Charlei Wing, Jamie Catherall, Tom Fairlie (DTRE)
Men’s nearest the pin on 7 – Richard Gatehouse (Gerald Eve)
Ladies nearest the pin on 7 – Danielle Raunjak (CBRE)
Men’s nearest the pin on 13 – Jonathan Williams (Savills)
Ladies nearest the pin on 7 – Lara Redmayne (CBRE)
Link to photos – bit.ly/IASGOLFDAY
Chris Jee